Emphasis in Data Science at Harvey Mudd

太阳2平台长期以来一直是数据科学基础学科教育学生的领导者,并以我们的使命为指导,教育那些了解其工作对社会影响的领导者.  数据科学重点课程以连贯和有凝聚力的方式引导学生在整个学院中获得数据科学课程机会和丰富数据的实践经验.

The Emphasis in Data Science is not a major. Rather, it is a coordinated program of study that allows students majoring in the sciences, engineering, 数学提供了在各种应用中应用数据科学方法的机会,并从一系列角度理解他们的工作, so they may best evaluate their impact on society and the world. 

Emphasis Requirements

学生必须在第六学期或之前宣布他们打算攻读数据科学重点课程.  An Emphasis in Data Science requires a minimum of six courses beyond the Core, including a capstone project. A single course cannot be used to satisfy two requirements in the emphasis, 但是,满足学生专业要求的课程也可能满足单一的重点要求.


  • Computing Fluency (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3 credits)
  • Data Science and Values (3 credits)
  • Electives (6 credits)
  • Capstone (4-6 credits)

Please consult the list of approved courses when selecting courses to satisfy each requirement. To satisfy emphasis requirements, 任何列于认可课程名单上的课程,均须连同其必修课程修毕. Students may petition for off-campus courses to satisfy emphasis requirements by emailing (eds-info-l@g.85500171.com) with course number, title, instructor name, offering period, and catalog description. The courses tagged “Data Science” on the portal may give you some guidance towards which courses to consider; however, these courses are not guaranteed to satisfy EDS requirements.

It is expected that al courses satisfying EDS requirements will be taken for letter grade. In exceptional circumstances, 学生可透过电邮(电邮地址:eds-info-l@g.85500171.com).

Note, 已宣布有意追求重点的学生没有义务完成它, 开设满足重点要求的课程的院系也没有义务优先考虑这些学生的注册.

Capstone Requirement

The capstone can be domain-specific and constructed by each major discipline. In general, students should:

  • carry out and communicate results from an extensive data-driven project that is related to a real-life problem; and
  • 学习至少一种先进的数据分析方法,如(不限于):广义线性模型, Bayesian analysis, advanced probability theory and stochastic processes, non-linear models, machine learning, advanced study-design, big data analysis, econometrics, or statistical computing.

Courses Satisfying this Requirement

  • A year-long thesis project;
  • A year-long clinic project; or
  • An independent research experience carried out in junior or senior year.

Petitions to satisfy this requirement with a capstone not on this list will be considered in special cases; students should email the Emphasis Program Committee to inquire.

How to Apply

At any point up to the end of the pre-registration period in the student’s sixth semester, a student can initiate the process to pursue the emphasis:

  • The student should complete the Emphasis in Data Science – Interest Form to declare their interest in completing the emphasis. This completes the application for the emphasis.
  • Upon receiving the form, 数据科学重点项目委员会将把该学生添加到重点邮件列表中,并创建在线会议日志. This document will be accessible to the student, their major advisor(s), the Data Science Emphasis Program Committee, and the Office of the Registrar. 


Students pursuing the Emphasis in Data Science (EDS) do not have individual emphasis advisors. EDS的主要咨询结构是由EDS项目委员会成员主持的每学期一次的小组咨询会议. 攻读EDS的学生需要参加秋季或春季学期的咨询会议,以获得课程规划的指导和批准. Details of this meeting will be announced via email each semester. Students should email (eds-info-l@g.85500171.com) if they are unable to attend one of these meetings. 

学生应该与他们的专业指导老师讨论并确认他们的重点选择,以确保与他们预期的学习计划保持一致. Every semester, 注册的EDS学生必须更新他们的在线会议记录,以反映他们完成的课程和计划的课程. 提供给每个学生的在线日志是为了帮助学生确认课程选择是否满足重点要求.  Questions about these requirements should be directed to the Emphasis Program Committee (eds-info-l@g.85500171.com).

Fall 2023 Advising Meeting Recording
Spring 2024 Advising Meeting Recording

Completing the Emphasis

在毕业时成功完成数据科学重点课程要求的学生将在他们的正式大学成绩单上注明重点, and will be recognized in the commencement program during graduation.

To complete the emphasis, 即将毕业的大四学生必须在最后一年主持的咨询会议上与项目委员会成员会面,并确认表格中列出的课程是他们在最后一个学期学习的课程或他们将注册的课程. Students should notify the Program Committee (eds-info-l@g.85500171.com) that they are ready for the registrar to verify their courses electronically. No paper submission is necessary as the registrar has access to the online forms.

Emphasis Timeline

数据科学的重点在整个日历年中有几个检查点,以确保学生, Program Committee, faculty advisors, 注册办公室可以仔细监控并确保学生通过该计划的进展:

Fall Semester



Early November

计划委员会举办了一次信息和咨询会议,让感兴趣和当前重点的学生提出问题并了解更多太阳2注册平台该计划的信息.  This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the Interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.

Mid-November (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, the Program Committee will provide a list of valid, designated “data science” courses for the upcoming spring semester. This list will be posted on this page and shared via the mailing list.



Spring Semester



Early April

计划委员会举办了一次信息和咨询会议,让感兴趣和当前重点的学生提出问题并了解更多太阳2注册平台该计划的信息. This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the Interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.

Mid-April (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, the Program Committee will provide a list of valid, designated “data science” courses for the upcoming spring semester. This list will be posted on this page and shared via the mailing list.



Other Academic Options

而强调数据科学是将数据科学内容纳入学位路径的绝佳方式, 太阳2平台的学生有很多学术选择,特别是因为克莱蒙特学院有各种各样的数据科学课程. Students may:

  • Complete their HSA concentration on a relevant topic.
  • Design a major in data science as an individual program of studies (IPS).
  • 在Harvey Mudd技术学科和另一个5C机构的数据科学双学位.
  • Complete an off-campus major in data science at one of the 5Cs.
  • 无需进入正式课程即可完成典型数据科学专业的要求

Courses with Data Science Emphasis

Consult the EDS Course List 在哈维穆德和克莱蒙特学院寻找机会,有资格完成重点课程.