数学 Institutional Affiliations

The department is affiliated with various mathematical groups, many of which offer benefits to their members.

American Mathematical Society

  • Internship, fellowship and job information
  • Competitions and awards information
  • 研究 experience opportunities
  • Study abroad opportunities

Association for Women in 数学 (AWM) 机构成员


Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences (CCMS) 机构成员

  • Claremont-Wide Math Colloquia
  • 研究 collaboration opportunities

Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA) 机构成员

  • Reduced registration fee for International Symposium on 啤酒研讨会
  • Access to IBA sponsored Distance Education courses
  • 免费的 SPORA-Journal of Biomathematics
  • Eligible to apply for travel funding to IBA sponsored events
  • IBA membership information

Mathematical Association of America (MAA) 太阳2注册平台的成员

  • Student Membership for an unlimited number of nominated full-time enrolled mathematics students
  • Membership in the local MAA Section
  • Student and Administrator Members receive discounts on MAA books
  • Student and Administrator Members are eligible to join any of MAA’s Special Interest Groups (SIGMAAs)
  • MMA membership information

Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath) 机构成员

Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute logo

Society for Industrial and Applied 数学 (SIAM) 学生一章

  • Student members of SIAM student chapters are eligible to receive free student memberships in SIAM.
  • SIAM provides opportunities to recognize student chapter members for outstanding service to the chapter.
  • SIAM provides up to $500 per academic year for each student chapter to support guest speakers, refreshments for chapter meetings, 以及其他活动.
  • 暹罗会员福利